Let’s Go Pump Day

This is one of the best full body circuits I’ve ever done. I’ll probably end up doing this a few days out of the week after this because it was so fun.

Arm Day:

Pull Up Progression: 5/4/4/3/2. My range or completeness of the pull ups was excellent. I was surprised I got 4 twice.

Dumbbell Rows: 4 Sets, 12 Reps: 65/65/65/65. Strong. Real strong.

Body Row: 4 Sets, 10 Reps: Used a Smith Machine for the straight bar. My wrists got a little janky, but I got a good pull on the back.

Incline Curl: 4 Sets, 10 Reps: 35…haha 4 finished the first set with 30’s/30/30/30. My buddy brought in some grip trainers into work today. I wonder if this had anything to do with my weak performance here. I got 30’s easy last week.

Super Set:

Zottman/Cross Body/Pronate Curls: 4 Sets, 8*8*8: 20/20/20/20. I knew I wasn’t going to get the 25’s. The next best thing was the 2o pounders. This was tough. I could barely hold onto the dumbbell. Good Pump though.

2 more days!

Last Leg Day of the Month

I don’t know if it’s from the growing boredom of the first months T25 videos, or these are just that much more fun, but I like the Beta phase so far. This was a good one to start the day. The body is mildly getting used to getting up a getting after it. I don’t know if this is such a good idea long term, but I can keep it going. Actually, I’m pretty sure that doing this first thing in the morning is raising my cortisone levels, but I’ll be alright!

 Played a round with our Assistant Pro, Steve Giermak. I’ve been working with a golf coach over the past year, but I am no where near hitting the ball like they do. My swing speeds and distances are on ‘par’ with the professionals, but they hit the middle of the face pretty much every swing. Steve played his best round ever, and I was 1 shot away from mine (lipped out an eagle on 18 for a 73). First time I’ve witnessed a -3 round. Getting closer to my goal of breaking par. Now on to leg day!

Again, Over Load Progression has me at the final phase of the first round. 4 Sets, 10 Reps: 40%, 50%, 60%, 60% 1RM.

Back Squat: 100/125/150/150. I’ve been listening to the guys at MindPumpMedia.com, and they gave some good advise on squatting. I remembered it before the 3rd set, and it really helped my range of motion (ass to grass).

Front Squat: 4 Sets, 10 Reps: 120/120/120/120. This almost broke me. I’ve been hot and running ragged. Mental toughness had to take over.

Single Leg Press: 120/120/120/120 per leg. This was a gritty round. This website got me through it.

Calf Crushers: 45’s! I had to take breaks between the moves, but I got it done.

Leg Raise/TRX Rollout: 3 Sets, 12/10 Reps. Not gonna lie, I felt like quitting here, but the second round was strong. I could definitely tell that my lower abs are stronger.


3 more days to get this first month done. If you’ve been following, I really appreciate it.

New Morning Phase

This one was pretty fun. Even at 4 AM. I got about 11 hours of sleep last night. I felt really good today. At this point, it’s 1050 PM, and I have had a long day. I got this workout done, showered, packed my things for the day, and headed to the golf course. It was a beautiful day to sit on the first tee. I had a fairly productive (at the time) lesson with my coach, and then it was time for the Wednesday Night League. We were scheduled to play the Head and Assistant pro’s, but the Head pro was ducking us (not really). My partner came to play, but I was merely a spectator. We pulled out the win, but it was another light bulb that I have to make the range a priority.

I hit the gym around 9 PM. This week the weight goes down, and the reps go up. 10 Reps on the main reps@ 40%/50%/60%/60% 1RM.

Bench Press: 4 Sets, 10 Reps: 75/90/110/110. These weights are not exactly on the numbers (much like the others), but I can’t put 72lbs. on the bar. I made sure to really contract the pecs and move with good form. It felt good.

Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 4 Sets, 10 Reps: 40/40/40/40. YEAH! I’m pretty pumped that I got up all four sets. This is good progress.

Barbell Shoulder Press: 4 Sets, 10 Reps: 75/75/75/75. I got back to moving the bar slowly this week. I wasn’t pressed for time, and I had plenty of energy.

Scare Crows: 4 Sets, 10 Reps: 20/20/20/20. I didn’t move the weight up on this guy because I really think the muscle this is supposed to strengthen needs to be worked a lttle differently, but for the sake of the month I finished it out.

Dips/Pull Downs 4 Sets, 10/12 Reps: Leg Raised on the Bench Dips/ 30lbs. I was going to go up to 57.5;bs. on the pull downs, but I really felt like going long and slow. I got a really good pump like this.

Now on to the Super Set!!!

Lateral Raise/Front Raise/Back Fly/Overhead Press: 3 Sets, 8*8*8: 15/15/10. I dropped the last set down to 10lbs. because I felt like it was going to get cheaty. I just made that 10lbs. feel like 20lbs. by going low and slow.

I’m looking forward to this week. I’m jacked about how quickly I’m responding to the training.

Thanks for reading. Let me know if you have any questions.

Get Jacked, Son!

Dead Tired Deadlift

So it was a long day after a long week, but I made it to the gym. My deadlifts were great. I had to use a deadlift bar, but I don’t think that made too much of a difference. When it came to the other lifts, I was very limited to what I could use. There is no squat rack on the 24 hour part of the gym right now. Nor was there an area to do my favorite lift, Landmines, but I got the muscle groups done. I substituted some ‘goblet’ squats for the Zercher, and to be frank, I was pretty much done with friggin’ squatting for this week. Squats and lunges galore.

Deadlift: 4 Sets, 3 Reps: 175/200/225/225. Boom. Had a dude at the gym that wanted to work in, so we just kept throwing weight on there.

Romanian Deadlifts: 4 Sets, 10 Reps: 115/115/115/115. A little awkward to get the form correct with the deadlift apparatus.

Goblet Squats: 4 Sets, 12 Reps: 20lbs for each. Tired of bending at the knee.

I used the incline sit up bench with a 10lb medicine ball. After the sit up, I lowered until my spine was nearly touching the pad, and I did side to side rotations. I guess this mimicked the Landmine as best I could.

Sorry for the late post, but I’ve been tired. I’m done until Wednesday. Moving to Beta Phase with Shaun T tomorrow!

Great Day for a workout. Let’s do 3.

So, a couple of my buddies that I don’t get to play golf with all that often anymore are wanting to play a course I can get them on for cheap. Perks of working at a Top 10 in the state course. I’m looking forward to it greatly. We’re playing tomorrow which is my normal 3 a day. In order for me to keep myself honest, I had to do my 3 workouts today. No Biggy!

I got the T25 Cardio in this morning before work. Man is my ass sore. I mean my body is a little sore, but my ass is really sore. Shaun T loves friggin’ squats and lunges. Leg day lifts are legit when combined with Lunge Squat Progression… get the videos and join my pain.

Gym Time!

Chest Day! I really want to pump the pecs. Big shoulders, chest, and arms are what I’m looking for; my legs are already fairly big. Those will get chiseled easily.

Incline Dumbbell Press Drop Set: 4 Sets (6*6): 50/35, 50/35, 50/35, 50/35. I chose to up the ‘drop’ weight which will help me get to heavier weights faster. Nice slow reps. Felt good.

3* Drop: 4 Sets, 6*6*6: 35/35/35/35. I figured I’d get a couple sets in before dropping the weight down, but damn I felt strong today. I think all the failure reps I’ve done are really helping me progress quickly.

Pec Deck: 4 Sets, 10 Reps: 100/100/110/110. Again, I don’t feel like taking up 2 positions to get my workouts done. I like this machine because I can really get a constant resistance through the lift. I’m doing a good squeeze at the end to make it more effective.

Close Grip Bench Press (Narrow Bench): 85/85/85/85. This is the first time in a couple weeks there’s been a bench open. I failed to get 85 up all 4 sets last time, but I got these with just a little strain on the last few reps on each set. I think I’ll go up 10lbs. next week.

Triceps: My neck was a little stressed out today. I didn’t want to push it too hard, so I just took a 25lb. dumbbell and slow rep’d myself to failure 3 times. 21/13/9. I thought I could get more, and maybe the ‘behind the head’ position was stupid for my neck, but I got a really good burn in.

This site won’t let me post the video I took, but check it out here https://www.facebook.com/quests4josh/

I got home, and I went after one of the next days T25 workouts. Lower Focus. I saved my favorite for tomorrow morning, Total Body Circuit. I’m really glad this is the last week of the Alpha Phase. I’m getting a little burnt out on these workouts. I guess they know what they’re doing over at Beach Body.

Hit me up on the Facebook, or twitter @quests4josh. I’ve got to start Instagramming I guess. I’ll think about some bare body shots, but I don’t think anyone wants to see that.

Get Strong or crash trying!

Pump Day

Lame title. It’s just my “Wednesday” in terms of workouts.

I’m getting better at this workout. I am working out first thing in the morning, and it’s a little hard to get super jacked up about it, but I can definitely tell a big difference in my stamina going at the moderate pace.

I left work, and I rushed to the gym. Once a month, my golf course puts on the ‘9 and Dine’ 2 man competition. So, I had to get the workout in before that. (Did not play well. My golf training has really taken a backside seat to this whole Para Bellum Corpus). Anyway, I flew through todays workout. I was really impressed. I am not a big ‘ARMS’ guy, but my little Gatling’s held up really well.

Pull Up Progression: 5/3/2/2/1. I think I’m going to have to work on these every other day.

Single Arm Dumbbell Row: 4 Sets, 12 Reps: 60/60/60/60. I moved this bad boy really well. The first set was much harder than the last 3. Good form here helps. No jerking.

TRX Body Weight Row: 4 Sets, 10 Reps. I’d like to do these on a bar, but I’m not an asshole taking up a machine when the gym is packed. Also, no one would agree that I’m not an asshole. Anyway, I try to really rip through this, and really squeeze the back muscles.

Incline Curls: 4 Sets, 10 Reps: 30/30/30/30. I started last week’s set with 30’s,  but it got pretty cheaty really quickly. Today though, I grunted these out, and really pumped the guns. Man grit.

Super Set:

Zottman, Cross body, Pronate curls: 4 Sets, 8*8*8: 22.5, 22.5, 22.5, 22.5. Same thing here. Last week I got one set done, and I thought it was really swinging these around. Today, I took very minimum breaks between the lifts (no more than 40 seconds) and busted these things.

Guys and gals, if this thing proves anything, it’s that the body is an amazing machine that will get better, stronger, quicker, more limber if you can consistently aggravate it into submission.

I’m going to make a concerted effort to really get back to the golf training after this first month. I should post my handicap and rounds on here….

Leg Day, Son!

Started the day off with a little ab work. This is a fun little workout.

The wife and I decided to go float a river today. Got connected with the Earth. I some vagus nerve stimulation with my head in the water. That may sound a little hippy-dippy to a some people, but I think there is a lot to it.

Hit the gym for some leg work. Luckily, I got there at the right time and a guy was just finishing up on the squat rack.

Main Lift: Back Squat: 4 Sets, 3 Reps. 70%, 80%, 90%, 90%: 175/200/225/225.

I was a little shaky on the range of motion the 3rd set. I guess I was a little scared I wasn’t going to get back up, but I ‘ass-to-grass’d’ it on the last set. It makes you feel powerful when you slap 2 plates aside on that bar and grunt out your reps!

Front Squat: 4 Sets, 10 Reps: 115/115/115/115. Phew! I did these quick. I new my heart rate was staying elevated so I wanted to take advantage of the extra cardio pump. I am trying to lose some weight here.

Single Leg Press: (I like using the Bosu Ball, but with the gym being packed, they’ve been used when I needed them): 110/110/110/110 per leg. Felt good.

Calf Killers: used 40’s today. eeesh. I think I’ll have to focus on stretching my calfs more. I always get close to cramping on these. I don’t know if that’s good or not.

Super Set!!

Leg Raises/TRX Roll out: 3 Sets, 12/10 Reps. Now if you guys normally do leg raises, and you AREN’T showing you ass to the gym, you are not getting what you need out of this exercise. You really have to squeeze those lower abs. Lifting your legs waist high is ‘waisting’ your time. Anyway. Killed it.

Week 3 of PBC

Starting the week off right. I really like this workout. I can get a lot of sweat going very quickly. It only takes a little motivation. I’m fat. I don’t want to be. #motivation.

This pic sums up today’s workout. My workout ‘Monday’ starts on Wednesday. Normally on Wednesday, I get my ass out of bed around 4 AM. I do my T25. I have to be at Bull Run by 630 AM, and I have a golf league that starts at 530 PM. That normally gets me to the gym around 830 PM. One hour workout later, and I’m home at 945-10. If I have to work at the golf course again, I am really cutting my recovery sleep by a lot. So, today, I booked it from the golf course. Crushed this workout in about 40 minutes. I have been talking about ‘time under tension’ on here, but today, I went explosive. I also think it really helped me kill today’s main lift. Bench Press! The run down…

This is the 3rd week in the overload progression. 4 Sets. 3 Reps. 70% 1RM, 80%, 90%, 90%

Bench Press: 130/150/165/165. I grabbed a dude for a spot on the last set just to make sure I wasn’t going to not get that last rep. Well, I threw that metal bitch up 6 times. Felt good.

Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 4 Sets, 10 Reps: 35/35/35/35. I thought I’d get a couple sets in with the added 5lbs. but I crushed them out with extreme prejudice.

Barbell Shoulder Press: 4 Sets, 10 Reps: 70/70/70/70. Same thing here. At this point, I have been racing through the lifts.  Good form maintained, but a lot less time between reps. I did take a little extra rest before the last set, but I still threw it up.

Scare Crow. 4 Sets, 10 Reps: 20/20/20/20. I really got a good burn in this work out this week. I think I will change this one up next month and use a band with more of a lateral pull to really workout my rotator cuff.

Super Set Time!

Dips/Pull Downs: 3 Sets, 10/12 Reps: Bench Dips with a leg raised/55lbs. on the pull down. Ripped through them.

Lateral/Front/Rear Fly/Overhead Press: 3 Sets (8*8*8). Luckily, Gold’s gym has 12.5lbs. dumbbells. I don’t think I could have gone up 5 pounds on this lift this week. It’s a lot harder than most of you might think. I challenge you to get through this workout and take a heavy weight for this super set. Anyway. The set went like this. boom. Boom. BOOM!!

We won our match in the league. I’m going to bed early!



Sunday Funday…3 for Me

Sundays are going to be tough, but I felt very good today. I didn’t get enough sleep according to my Oura Ring, but my deep sleep and REM sleep were up.

Started the day with a little ab rippin’. This is fun, and it can get pretty tough if you do it right.

Deadlift Day:

Deadlift: 4 Sets, 4 Reps: 160/185/215/215

Man I had to grunt that last one out, but I got it with good form. Leonard da Vinci should sculpt this form, bruh.

Romanian Deadlift: 4 Sts, 10 Reps: 110/110/110/110

Felt really good. Back got hot, but I made sure to go slow.

Zercher Squats: 4 Sets, 10 Reps: 110/110/110/110. Boom!

Super Set:

Weighted Sit Ups/Landmines: 4 Sets, 10/20 Reps: 15/15, 15/15, 15/15, 15/15

I love this workout finisher. Flinging a heavy bar around gets the heart rate up, and it makes me feel macho.

Got home. Hit the T25 right off the bat. This is a good one to finish the week on. I can get quick, and it has a few little stretches in there that are greatly appreciated.

That’s it for week 2 of Para Bellum Corpus. I’ll be stretching and foam rolling until Wednesday. I’ll keep you posted.

Full Body and Chest’icles

Today is going to be good. Felt really good this morning. My Oura Ring told me I wasn’t quite ready to go, but I think I can. I am having a hard to getting the engine going. These workouts don’t last too long, and it is taking me 5-8 minutes to really get going. I am doing this silly things at 4 in the morning, but I am getting stronger. My stamina has gone way up over the past 3 1/2 weeks.

Chest Day at the Gym

I mentioned in an earlier post that our gym is going through some renovations. Things are pretty cramped in there, but I can work the parts I need to. Had to modify a couple things today. But damn I felt good. Even after a 5 freakin’ hour round of golf. (Father’s Day weekend).

Incline Dumbbell Drop Set: 4 (6*6): 50/30, 50/30, 50/30, 50/30

I moved up the first weight by 5lbs. this week. I thought that I’d get a couple sets in before dropping back down, but I straight crushed this one. I even did some slow ‘time under tension’ reps at the end of the last 6 with the 30’s.

3* Drop: 4 Sets (6*6*6): 30/30/30/30

Again, I went up a little in the weight thinking that I’d have to drop down, but I really moved through this one with power.

The cable fly machine was being used, and I didn’t want to stay at the gym until 11 PM, so I just hit the Pec Deck or Fly machine. I don’t normally use this guy so I didn’t know where to start. I just made sure that I did long, slow movements to get the most time under tension.

Pec Deck: 4 Sets, 10 Reps: 85/85/100/100

The only bench was also being used so the ‘Narrow Bench Press’ prescribed for today was not going to happen. By this point I had really toasted my chest so I figured that if I just did some ‘Diamond’ push ups to failure that I’d really get the workout I needed.

Diamond PushUps (to failure each set): 8/6.5/5.5/7 (got a second wind on the last).

I didn’t have a curl bar so I just grabbed a couple 20 pounds dumbbells for over head tricep extensions (OTE) and the Tricep pull downs (PD).

OTE/PD: 40/35, 40/35, 20/35 (my neck didn’t like that strain), 20/35.

And just like that, the day was done.

On a lighter note, I did play an exceptional round of golf…tee to green, but I didn’t putt very well at all. shot an 83, but I missed 4 easy birdies; I had a fuckin’ 4 putt; add a triple bogey to that and you have a really crappy round of golf. Irons were good though.